რას ვუყუროთ..რას მოვუსმინოთ?
სხვადასხვა კრიტერიუმებით ძებნისას ხშირად გამოგვრჩება ხოლმე ფილმები, სერიალები თუ მუსიკა, რომლებიც ნამდვილად ჩვენი ყურადღების ღირსია.
ID•Ur Sound-ის მიზანია გამორჩეული და იშვიათი ძველი თუ ახალი მუსიკა, ფილმები და სერიალები ერთ სივრცეში მოაქციოს ასარჩევად.

Cha Cha Real Smooth

A romantic comedy with a complex plot that took home the audience prize at the Sundance Film Festival in 2022.

22-year-old Andrew works in a fast food restaurant after graduating from college. She accepts an offer to host gatherings and entertain the crowd after being energetic and engaging the crowd at her younger brother’s school party. The mother of one of the kids, Domino, makes Andrew another offer at the same time, asking him to look after her autistic daughter during her spare time. Andrew is happy to comply because he feels something for Domino.

The Apple streaming service expressed interest in Cooper Riff’s work during the Sundance Film Festival and paid 15 million dollars for the privilege to screen it there. This is the second film of the 25-year-old director, who also plays the lead role in the film.

The song by Willie Perry Jr. (also known as DJ Casper), from which the movie’s title is from, was published in 2000 and quickly achieved fame as a trending choice for weddings and proms.

Cha Cha Real Smooth
Director: Cooper Riff
2022 (USA)

Cha Cha Real Smooth (2022) on IMDb
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